In zona centrale, villa singola con terreno di mq. 850 ca. composta da ingresso, disimpegno, soggiorno doppio con camino, cucina abitabile, due camere matrimoniali, cameretta e servizio. Piano seminterrato, cantina, locale caldaia e ripostigli. Box. Riscaldamento autonomo con radiatori, pavimenti in parquet nella zona giorno e nella zona notte, porta blindata, infissi in legno mono vetro con inferriate e persiane. En zona central, villa individual con terrenal de mq. 850 ca. compuesta por entrada, desempeño, cuarto de estar doble con chimenea, cocina habitable, dos habitaciones matrimoniales, cameretta y servicio. Llana entreplanta, sótano, local caldera y trasteros. Box. Calefacción autónoma con radiadores, suelos en entarimado en la zona día y en la zona noche, entrega acorazada, clavados de madera mono vidrio con rejas y persianas. En zone centrale, villa unique avec terrain de mq. 850 ca. composée par entrée, dégagement, séjour double avec cheminée, cuisine habitable, deux chambres matrimoniales, cameretta et service. Sous-sol plat, cave, chaudière locale et débarras. Box. Chauffage autonome avec des radiateurs, planchers en parquet dans la zone jour et dans la zone nuit, porte blindée, scellements en bois verre mono avec des grilles et persiennes. In the central zone, single villa with terrestrial of mq. 850 ca. composed by entry, redemption, double stay with fireplace, habitable kitchen, two matrimonial rooms, cameretta and service. Plain basement, wine cellar, local boiler and closets. Playpen. Autonomous heating with radiators, floors in parquet in the zone day and in the zone night, hands armored, fixtures in wood mono glass with grilles and shutters. In the central zone, single villa with terrestrial of mq. 850 ca. composed by entry, redemption, double stay with fireplace, habitable kitchen, two matrimonial rooms, cameretta and service. Plain basement, wine cellar, local boiler and closets. Playpen. Autonomous heating with radiators, floors in parquet in the zone day and in the zone night, hands armored, fixtures in wood mono glass with grilles and shutters. In the central zone, single villa with terrestrial of mq. 850 ca. composed by entry, redemption, double stay with fireplace, habitable kitchen, two matrimonial rooms, cameretta and service. Plain basement, wine cellar, local boiler and closets. Playpen. Autonomous heating with radiators, floors in parquet in the zone day and in the zone night, hands armored, fixtures in wood mono glass with grilles and shutters. In the central zone, single villa with terrestrial of mq. 850 ca. composed by entry, redemption, double stay with fireplace, habitable kitchen, two matrimonial rooms, cameretta and service. Plain basement, wine cellar, local boiler and closets. Playpen. Autonomous heating with radiators, floors in parquet in the zone day and in the zone night, hands armored, fixtures in wood mono glass with grilles and shutters. In the central zone, single villa wit